sâmbătă, 30 martie 2013

The Mechanic !

Joseph Statam? I saw a few movies with this great actor ! Recently I saw "The Mechanic". This movie is like the movie "The Transporter". Joseph Statam is a serial killer and he is paid to kill different people. Is great how he takes a man, to train him and take him at different, lets say : crimes. They become parteners but at the end, one of them dies.

Genre : Action.


Stanciu Daniel

marți, 26 martie 2013

Sinucide-ma / Suicide me

Well, well, well, let's see what we have here. We have a Romanian short movie. It has half hour duration and it's about a man who cannot suicide so, he pays an assassin to make his job.

It's funny how the thing that have to kill you, (in our case, a person), will be the reason that keeps you alive !


Stanciu Daniel

sâmbătă, 23 martie 2013

The Exam

This movie is from 2009 and is an excellent movie. All the movie is made in one room, interesting huh ? Well, you need to have something in your head to make a movie interesting which is filmed just in one room.

Well, let's see what is about ! Well, there are 8 different people like in the film The Cube. 4 men and 4 women. They must pass an exam to rich a job. They have to answer just at one question. But where's the problem ? The problem is simple, how you suppose to answer at the question when you don't even have the question ? To make the things more difficult, they have only 80 minutes to do this.

There are also rules : 1. Don't speak with the guard, don't speak with the supervisor and don't make anything at your piece of paper, don't even write on it !

It's interesting how 8 different people must collaborate when there's a contest to succeed.


Stanciu Daniel

vineri, 22 martie 2013

Wrong turn

Well...this is a movie which starts like the usual American horror movies: a group of teens got lost in a forest.....but this time is not a usual lost. They been made to get lost there, and get caught by some kind of creatures....which seems to eat human bodies....maybe they can escape....but maybe not. Watch and find out....
P.S.: Bloody images....


The Cube

Hello, now we're talking about a great movie with a good ending : The Cube. This movie is from 1997. If you didn't saw this movie well you should ! It reminds me about the movie : Saw.

Let's say something about it, well what make this movie more special ? Well the fact that you put different people in one dead-trap. Each of this men, is different from the others and is activated the instinct of survival.

Well , we know that the cube is a dead-trap, well this cube is made of more cubes ! Each cube has a trap, ok, not the all cubes...one of the cubes are safety and another ones are full of traps, traps like : poisoned air, explosives, traps, heat and etc. Well all this people should find a way out, but they must get in and out from each cube.

There will be a lot of masacres !


Stanciu Daniel

miercuri, 20 martie 2013

The eye

This movie is one about a blind woman, which is helped by surgery to regain her sight. But along with this she has a "gift" too...she starts to see ghosts and many things which doesn't exist. With her new doctor ad friend she starts looking for the last owner of her eyes....Another thing about the movie is that the main character is starred by Jessica Alba.


An American Werewolf in Paris

Hy ! So this is my first review of a movie ! Like I said in the title, the movie is called : ,,An American Werewolf in Paris". This is a pretty old movie ( from 1997 ), but in the same time, it's very good ! The story is a common one, the old story about of group of teenagers who went in a foreign country, where they have part of the worst thing ever, they were attacked.But this is special, because they were attacked by werewolves. One of the main characters dies, one survives and to be the story more interesting the last one turns in a werewolf.

One thing that makes this movie more interesting is that the werewolves are so realistic. The transformations are pretty awesome and you can learn a lot of things about them. Like : if you were bitten, you must kill the werewolf who made you and eat his heart and another thing, if a person is killed by a werewolf, his soul must stay on earth until the werewolf is dead.


Stanciu Daniel

marți, 19 martie 2013

Hello ! New admin here !

Hello, my dear friends, I'm Daniel and I'm new on this blog. Well, let's say something about me : I'm 21 years old and I love horror and SF movies, to make an impression about me, I'll say some TV series that I saw and liked it very much ! :
  1. Lost
  2. Prison Break
  3. Walking Dead
  4. Two and a half man
  5. Movies : An American Werewolf in Paris, The Cube, House of wax ( 1953, not the new shitty thing ), etc. Let's keep it for a surprise.
 Well, I hope that I'll give you guys what you expect to get. Goodbye and see you on my next post, when I'll write something about some good stuff.

Stanciu Daniel


This a movie where a teenage girl, Lola is trying to have a normal life. She has a boyfriend and lives with her mother and her baby sister. Her parents are apart and she has many issues as a teenager. Her best-friend is going to become more for her and her life is changing a lot because of that. It's a nice movie with Miley Cyrus as main character and also there plays Demi Moore.


joi, 14 martie 2013


This is a movie I'm looking forward to see, 'cause I heard a lot of good things about it. Is a movie about a dog which waits his owner for nine years in a train station....

miercuri, 6 martie 2013


This is an interesting horror movie, or that's what I thought about it. A nice family moves in a new place...everything is good, until a kid of their family falls into an apparently coma, which doctors can't explain it. The time passes and the kid is still in come. But in their house, his mom sees and hears lots of weird things which scares her. So, they move in a new house where everything seems to be the same. They get help and and the news are not good.....not good at all......
Watch if you dare to...

duminică, 3 martie 2013

The Devil Inside

This is a movie made by real facts, where a woman is possessed by many devils an some priests are trying to help her and many others, but .fdsf.........

Ten things I hate about you

A nice movie with Heath Ledger and falling in love when you expect less: